Much of the Pleinchamp expertise: Weather, quotes, Farm Newsméo, agricultural quotations and news: most of the accessible Pleinchamp expertise
Much of the Pleinchamp expertise: weather, quotes, farm news
Weather, agricultural quotes and news: most of the Pleinchamp expertise accessible at any time on the Pleinchamp application.
Designed to support professionals from the agricultural world in mobility, the Pleinchamp app offers you free access:
- The weather in your department: forecasts for the 36h and 10 days to come, with temperatures, speed and direction of the wind, risk and quantities of precipitation, ...
- Agricultural quotes - Cultures and animal markets: consult the reference markets every day, spread across France and follow their fluctuations.
- Agricultural news: all live news! "In the front page", national and departmental news, machinery, and by production sector: Livestock, large crops, vine & wine, fruits & vegetables.
For Pleinchamp expert services subscribers
Connect with your Pleinchamp personal codes used on the website and thus access the
Functions of the local Meteo: forecasts from your municipality at 36 hours and over 10 days, and 15 weather criteria, radar images of precipitation updates every 5 mins.
Handling to provide you with the best services, Pleinchamp has thought of its app for you. Go back up your possible difficulties on assistance@ Pleinchamp .com, let us know your opinions and comments. We are listening to you!